Yesterday I underwent a very Botswanan experience: I got my hair plaited. The word in Setswana is "loga" (LOH-ha), and last night unto this morning ke logile. Chimo, my roommate, did the plaiting: I did the sitting. We started around 9pm last night, worked until 1:30am, took a nap until 4am, got up and worked again until 6:30am. At this point, Chimo got ready for class, and I took a nap before skyping with Marlee. When Chimo got back we started again, around 9am, and the whole process was finally complete at about 11am. Overall it was about 9.5 hours, and I made it through today really well considering that I had a mere 2.5 hours of sleep under my belt.
I decided that I was not going to look like all the other international students who got their hair plaited in one solid color that didn't quite match their own and gave no depth - and in fact looked a bit strange. I bought a pack of blond, and a pack of black with maroon. So my hair is mostly blond extensions, with a fair amount of maroon, and a few black braids because we ran out before we finished! Every local I told thought the colors would be a bit iffy, but when I showed up at choir tonight with my hair all done up I was admired by everyone, and told that my roommate not only did a great job, but that the colors were amazing and the braiding followed the shape of my head really well (which is an odd way to make the odd compliment people give here that you have a nicely-shaped head).
My Setswana continues to improve, although still very light in conversation, I understand more and more every day. I text here, which is something I never participate in back home, and I have started using Setswana in my texts. A fully non-English text to a motswana friend of mine got me this response: Wena o motswana tota. Translation: you are a true motswana. One of the my favorite comments on my hair tonight was, "You look like an African." I suppose I'm fitting in pretty well here.
And now the part you've all been waiting for this whole time...