09 December 2010

Introductions: 4 weeks

4 weeks from now I will be settling into my latest temporary home at the University of Botswana, recovering from jet lag, and perhaps realizing what I'm in for next semester.

Welcome to my blog. I don't anticipate posting much for the next few weeks, but I thought I ought to get this thing started so that it's more than a blank page.

Next semester I am studying abroad through ISEP at the University of Botswana in Botswana's capitol city, Gaborone. I fly out on 2 January, and I'll be there until I fly back to Chicago in the beginning of May.

It is on this blog that I will be generally cataloging my experiences over the four months or so that I spend there. This is my public blog, so do not fear: you won't get venting or sappy stories or other embarrassing personal stuff. And I'll try not to be too melancholy or overly reflective. I've got a personal blog for all that sort of content. No, this blog will be for the day-to-day, the new discoveries, the fun adventures, the general feelings toward school and classes, teachers and new acquaintances, public transportation and the weather. My intentions are to update at most once a week, and at the least every other week. I'll probably pick one day and roll with it. Expect semi-lengthy posts on events, happenings, cultural/lingual observations, etc. I'll try to keep them relatively short, but it'll depend on the subject matter - I don't want to sell you too short. :)

So, consider this your open invitation to subscribe to my study abroad blog - or to just check in every so often if you're not into "following" blogs. I know this is a little bit in the future, but I figured I'd better get these sorts of things taken care of before I'm in another world entirely - or at least another half of the world.

One thing you can definitely expect: a video tape of me flushing a clean toilet and watching it swirl the opposite direction while I hang out below the equator.

Happy reading!


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